2DOV13.ZIP 579,451 10-25-96 2do Intelligent Task Manager Version 1.3 Intelligent Task Manager for Ms Windows- 2do is A Robust Yet Easy to use Pim. Software Creations Calls it 'A Powerful Pim, With Considerable Depth.
AB2MP094.ZIP 563,892 11-10-96 Arrowbridge II - Editor (Win)
ADDIT10.ZIP 587,539 01-14-97 Ad-winut Adding-machine V1.0 - Win Replaces the Calculator for Adding. All Figures Entered Are Editable and can be Printed As A List With Line Labels. List can Also be Saved to Disk
ALTVHLP1.ZIP 42,649 10-18-96 Windows 95 Online Help for the Altavista Search Engine, Which Lets You Find Web Pages and Newsgroup Articles. Install Them Anywhere (Both in the Same Folder) and Double-click the .Hlp File to Run It
AMEM10.ZIP 260,498 12-04-96 Ez Macros 1.0/-easy to use Keyboard and Mouse Macro Recorder Designed to Work With Windows 95 and Windows Nt. Ez Macros is Good for Performing Repetitive Keystrokes and Mouse Actions With One Keystroke.
ASWINS13.ZIP 568,634 10-09-96 Autosend 1.3b Simples Windows File-transfer Programm Client/Server Version.
AWACS301.ZIP 209,795 12-20-96 Awacs is A Basic System State Monitor for Display to Either A Mda (Mono, Digital) Screen or to A Pm Window on the Desktop (Or Both at the Same Time).
BASE64_6.ZIP 52,849 01-14-97 Base64/Mime Encoder/Decoder for Dos. Works on Many Different Formats, and can Split Files for Encoding and Decoding. Now Includes Windows Interface Program! -fire Frog-.
CCTASK.ZIP 153,529 01-10-97 W32_util Cctask 97.1.9. Task Manager That Has Priority Manipulation As Well As Many Other Great Features. Supports "Timed Kill"
CDRFS123.ZIP 2190,259 12-09-96 Sony Cd-rfs Software for Supported Cd Record
CHGNAM11.ZIP 143,775 01-17-97 Chgname V1.1: Pgm Renames all the Files You Add to the List on the Lower Half of The Window. The Files Are Renamed to the Name Entered Under "New Name" and Enumerated. It's Very Useful
CHIEF300.ZIP 657,203 01-10-97 Chief's Installer Pro (For Win 3.1x, Win95 And Windows Nt). This Program is an "Off The Shelf" Installation Package for Windows Programs. It can be Used to Install Windows Packages of Almost Any Size
CHUNKER.ZIP 137,405 09-25-96 Chunker - Allows You to Chop, Truncate and Merge Large Files in Windows. This Version Has A 4mb Size Limitation. Requires Vbrun300 Description Copyright 1996 Psl.
CLIPFILE.ZIP 123,084 12-26-96 Windows 95 & Nt4 Shell Extension That Copies the Paths of Selected Files to the Clipboard. Allows Selection of Long or Short Names, With or Without Quotes, and Will Optionally Recurse Folder Contents and List Full File
CLRIZER.ZIP 11,966 01-02-97 Html Colorizer 1.0. Freeware Utility to Design Colors for Html Pages.
CLW433.ZIP 1241,112 01-12-97 Clint for Windows and DOS 4.33 is A Major Upgrade to 4.26. It Replaces Earlier Versions Of Clint for Windows and Dos. Its C/C Checking is Rigorous. Windows Clint Offers Syntax Coloring, Advanced Professional Editing
CLWAKE11.ZIP 319,502 12-16-96 Coolwake V1.1 is A Sophisticated Windows95 Alarm Program Which Allows You to Set an Unlimited Number of One-off and Daily Alarms Coolwake can use Cds and Wav Files. A Sample Wav is Provided.
CPIC16A.ZIP 638,073 01-03-97 Direct From Photodex Direct From Photodex Corporation Cpic16.Exe 12-31-96 V1.52 Build 166 This Program Works With Windows 31
CPIC32A.ZIP 661,075 01-03-97 Direct From Photodex Direct From Photodex Corporation Cpic32.Exe 12-31-96 V1.52 Build 166 This Program Works With Windows Nt and With Windows 95.
CTCAL14.ZIP 38,501 12-21-96 Desktop Calendar Ct Calendar Is, Well, A Calendar for Your Desktop. We Have Tried to Keep it Small Enough to Keep on Your Desktop, If You Wish But Large Enough to Read Without A Magnifying Glass.
DATDIG.ZIP 1967,530 01-01-97 Data Digger Ver 1.09 is A Simple Windows 95 Utility That Extracts Data From Corrupted Data Files That Cannot be Opened by Their Source Application. It is Very Handy and Features Easy Setup. Reg Fee: $15.
DBSETUP.ZIP 336,963 10-15-96 Deskbar (32-bit) - Allows You to Create Powerful Toolbars in Win95/Nt. It Also Provides Nine Special Buttons Which Bring all of the Features of the Explorer Shell to Your Customized Toolbars.
DCLN13.ZIP 60,972 10-13-96 Docclean V1.3 This Program Was Created to Clean the Documents Section of the Start Button Upon the Start-up of Windows 95
DD101.ZIP 11,127 11-27-96 W32_util Deep Diver 1.01. Allows You to Open Only the Folder You Want, No Matter How Deep it Is, Instead of Opening 12 Copies of Explorer
DFG_351.ZIP 1750,200 01-16-97 Ad-winut Drag and File Gold V3.51 - W95 Powerful File *And* Archive Manager for Windows 95 & Nt4.0. Copy, Move, Delete, Zip, & Unzip Files From Tagged Drives or Directories. 2 Different Launch Bars
DH120.ZIP 222,445 01-27-97 Ad-winap Doghouse V1.20 - Win Reminder System for Windows. Simple and Intuitive With Configurable Advance Warning
DIRECTX3.ZIP 4580,442 11-24-96 Microsoft Directx V3.0 Install Version
DIRNOW_.ZIP 22,986 01-16-97 W32_misc Dirnow! 2.01. Provide A Search String, and Up Pops A List of all Directories Matching. Requires Vb40032.Dll & Tabctl32.Ocx
DK103.ZIP 106,179 12-31-96 Softarts Deskey the Ultimate Power User's Window Manager for Windows 95. Hide/Unhide Windows! Save, Apply, Auto Apply Window Positions, With Full Shortcut Key and Explorer Folder Support! Version 1.03
DKILL95.ZIP 198,620 09-30-96 Dkill95 (Daykill) V1.2 Kill Da Timelimit in Share and Beta Versions. Win95. //R Itrt Rls\\
DMPCL271.ZIP 241,378 12-10-96 Security Auditing Windows Nt Program to Dump File System and Other Types of Permissions, Audit Settings User/Group Info, Etc. In A Concise, Readable Listbox Format, So That "Holes" in System
DRGTXT20.ZIP 236,734 11-30-96 Dragtext V2.0 Lets You Handle Text As an Object That can be Moved, Copied, Saved, and Deleted Using Drag and Drop. Drag Text Between Pm and Vio Windows, the Clipboard, and the Shredder. Drop Text on A Folder
DS_16BIT.ZIP 1239,554 01-18-97 Authentex Datasafe V1.17 Secure Your Win 31 Data With the Blowfish Encryption Algorithn
DW14.ZIP 1393,115 01-07-97 Clipboard Text Utility Ver. 1.2 Ldtc15.Zip - Little Digital Talking Clock Ver. 1.5 Dw140.Zip - Desktop Wizard Ver. 1.4 (Upgrade to Nfnf Ver. 1.12)
EDK213.ZIP 563,658 11-07-96 Edk Beta 2.13 the Emulator Developers Kit Allows Third Party Deveoplers to Write Extensions for Pc64win, E.G. Freezer Cartridges. To Program for Th Edk, You'll Need: - A Pentium Pc With 32 Mb Ram - Windows 95 or Windows
EE300.ZIP 68,091 12-13-96 Easy Explorer 3.0 Easy Explorer Places an Icon in Windows 95 Tray. Clicking on This Icon You Load Explorer . Right Clicking on the Icon A Popup Menu Appears So That You can Jump Directly To: Control Panel, Display
EZXIT15.ZIP 292,579 12-20-96 Ezee Exit 95 V1.15.0 - Ezee Exit 95 Adds an Icon to the System Tray of Win 95's Taskbar and Replaces the Many Steps Normally Used to Display the Shut Down Windows 95 Dialog.Ezee Exit Adds an Exit Icon Which You can Double
F1THM101.ZIP 315,949 10-18-96 Three Bmp Files to Replace the Boring Stock Logo Screens That Come With Windows 95. Locate the Three "Maclaren F1 Logo .Bmp" Files (Wherever You Extracted the Theme To), and Using Explorer
FDREPL95.ZIP 321,283 11-17-96 Win95/Nt4.0 Windows Search/Replace Application to Change Multiple Instances of A Key Word, Phrase, Sentence, or Paragraph in Many Text Files Quickly and Efficiently
FFLM96I7.ZIP 531,081 01-13-97 Fantasy Football Mgr (Windows).
FIL01C.ZIP 96,143 11-29-96 Filister V0.1c Lists Files in Dir Structures to an External File C: /Temp/Liste.Txt by Dir/Filename or by Dir/Filename and Full File Information (See Above). Win95/Nt. By Roland Mundloch.
FILEQ223.ZIP 110,025 12-02-96 Filequery V2.23 11/96 Incl. 3 Special Versions for Dos,os/2,win32 Enhanced Dir,attrib,text/File Search Command With Nice, Configurable, Colored Output! Features -scroll Back and Forth in Filelist, Grep Like
FILX200C.ZIP 328,547 01-25-97 Ad-winut File-ex V2.00 - Win File Dialog Extensions. Enhances File Open/Save Dialogs of Any Windows Program Adding File Management Functions, Plus